The project: Developing outcomes based commissioning for children and young people’s mental health in Tower Hamlets
The project involved working with a range of stakeholders, including the Clinical Commissioning Group, Local Authority, Public Health, Mental Health Trust and voluntary sector, to change the way in which mental health services are commissioned from a traditional activity based contract to one which is focused on outcomes identified by the local population as important to them. The support consisted of three phases. Firstly, an engagement phase to co-produce the outcomes with the children and young people and stakeholders using a logic model approach to structure thinking. Secondly, a scoping phase to analyse the local provider landscape using a lean methodology approach. Finally, a development phase to design the measurement framework, contract model and whole system approach to support the outcomes. This project is now moving into an implementation phase where the outcomes and measurement system will be piloted.
The impact: Once the contracts go live, this will bring together a range of stakeholders to deliver children and young people’s mental health services in a more integrated way ensuring they all working towards outcomes that matter to their population. A monitoring and evaluation system will be established to monitor progress towards this.